We believe the advisors at Hendricks and Associates are uniquely qualified to represent our plan sponsors.

Ed Hendricks, LUTCF, AIF created and authored The Convergence Zone™. A plan governance system that is our own unique intellectual property which is designed to bring it all together. The Convergence Zone™ is protected by a Federal Trademark Registration which means it is only available through our firm.

This expanded plan governance service documents and supports an ongoing consistent organized process to meet the plan sponsors fiduciary obligations.

  • Can you locate your investment policy statement?
  • Do you have an organized meeting agenda for your annual meeting?
  • Do you have the minutes from your annual trustee and investment committee meetings?
  • Can you produce an ERISA 404c notice for your participants?
  • Do you have a record of receipt of your Summary Plan Description distribution for your plan participants?
  • Can you demonstrate a record of all of your service providers ERISA 408b2 service agreements?
  • Who conducts your annual trustee and investment committee meetings?
  • Is your “QDIA”, Qualified Default Investment Alternative suitable for your plan?
  • Do you have a method for benchmarking your plans investment offerings?
  • Do you have a process for documenting, removing, and replacing underperforming funds?
  • How do you communicate fund changes to participants?
  • Are the plans investment selection participant directed or trusteed directed?
  • Is your Plan consultant an ERISA 3(21) co-fiduciary to your plan?
  • Do you maintain Fiduciary Liability insurance for the trustees?

If a relationship providing leadership and creativity is of interest to you, we believe our unique ability to bring it all together will serve you well.